James, a beloved British comedian was known for his quick wit and sharp humor. His growing fanbase in the U.S. had been eagerly waiting for him to take the stage, and he thought he would test out some of his newer material on a U.S. audience ahead of his tour there later in the year — Faceport provided the perfect solution. He arranged for a legendary New York City comedy club to have one of their staff wear a Faceport Helmet and act as his avatar.
When the night started, the emcee hyped up a “special guest” for the evening, teasing the crowd with anticipation. As the lights dimmed, the emcee announced James, and to the audience’s shock and excitement, his avatar walked onto the stage, Faceport Helmet in place, displaying James’s grinning face beamed live from London. The club erupted in cheers, and before anyone could catch their breath, James launched into his routine with perfect comedic timing.
His new material landed flawlessly. Jokes about cultural differences, New York’s hectic pace, and the absurdities of modern life had the crowd roaring with laughter. His expressions, timing, and energy were all there—making it feel like James was right in the room. The surprise of seeing him on stage in this new, unexpected way only added to the magic of the moment.
But James wasn’t done. After his routine, he dove into twenty minutes of crowd work, riffing off audience members with his trademark wit. He engaged with the crowd as if he were standing right in front of them, playfully roasting people in the front row and riffing on the New York energy. The audience was hysterical with laughter, unable to catch their breath between his jokes.
For James, the experience was exhilarating. He was able to connect with his U.S. fans, test out new material, and feel the electricity of a live New York crowd—all from his home in London. For the audience, it was a performance they’d never forget, proving that with Faceport, even the biggest distances can’t get in the way of a good laugh.